The top 10 rules for success
By: Cristiano Ronaldo
1. Just play
2. Be competitive
3. Always take on new challenges
4. Know your priorities
5. People will judge you
6. Work hard
7. Believe you are the best
8. Play for the team
9. Enjoy the moment
10. Have sense of humor
What I think that this quote means is that you should always follow "the top 10 rules for success" you should always follow these rules because if you follow them you are going to be able to be a good person or a good person that is good in sports. Cristiano Ronaldo said that you should always think that you are the best because that will help you become even better as a player because it will make you think that you need to practice harder and will make you become one of the best players in the team that you are playing in. Cristiano Ronaldo also said that people will always hate you or never like because they dont know you and will never like you because they dont know you that should never stop you from playing at your best and be able to practice at your best. One opf the best things to remember when you are playing the sport that you play is to always work hard on the things that you have always wanted.